JJM Design’s (“JJMD”) greatest successes have derived from a highly synergetic design approach with clients and consultants. JJMD is a respected collaborator and facilitator on diverse project teams.  This collaborative spirit permeates JJMD’s work ethic and also generates a dialog between community and design, ultimately creating opportunities for JJMD to respond imaginatively to the site and project goals – recognizably meeting the client’s needs and respecting their values. Each of JJMD’s projects balances strong design sensibilities and a comprehensive approach to project design with stakeholder interests, achieving solutions that weave together complex environmental, social, and economic issues. Spaces are created to provide dynamic opportunities that integrate both structured and natural landscapes.  As an advocate for connecting with and harnessing natural systems, JJMD strives to make these systems legible, interactive and a part of our occupiable space




